Like the most Data Centers around the globe, we get our primary electricity from the wider public electric grid (DEDDIE for Greece). Thanks to the agreements we have made and the contracts we have signed, we have ensured that 100% of the power that comes from the public grid, and is consumed in the Friktoria's Data Center, is produced ONLY from alternative renewable energy sources, such as solar photovoltaic panels and wind turbines. In our facility we ensuring that the power coming in is of the right voltage and the right type of current. Also in our data center we supplement our energy from the wider grid with on-site electrical generation equipment in the form of stand-alone diesel generators in case or outage.
The electric power from the public grid or from the diesel generators then gets transferred to Main Distribution Boards (MDBs). Those are panels or enclosures that house fuses, circuit breakers, and ground leakage protection units. They are taking the voltage electricity and distribute it to a number of endpoints, such as Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) systems, load banks, cooling facilities, etc.
In Friktoria.com Data Center we operate two different cluster of UPS systems, for two different power supply lines (A and B) to routers, switches, racks, servers and other equipments. This gives 100% power supply redandancy in a case where one of the UPS cluster systems will fail. A UPS system not only does help to “clean up” the electricity pulsing through by ensuring that issues like surges don’t impact equipment, but also serve as an initial backup, in case of a power outage or similar issue. Our UPS systems can provide power to servers and breakers for up to ten minutes; that way, there’s enough time to get a backup diesel generator going immediately following an outage or similar issue with the wider electric grid.
Each one of our UPS systems is responsible for supplying power to a number of breakers. In our data center environment, no more than seven to nine servers are connected to an individual breaker, but that number will depend on both the capacity of the breaker and the efficiency of the server.